National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Textline text
'START' 741-741
Who we have Reached
What are People Saying?
We have brought suicide prevention and mental health awareness to 333,500+ students, teachers, parents, staff, and community members.
2,160+ presentations have been given to middle school students, high school students, and community members to share our message, "Never Promise to Keep This Secret".
Over the past 19 years, With Hope has facilitated over 623+ suicide-specific bereavement group sessions.
After a presentation, 92% of our students feel confident in taking steps to help a friend who is exhibiting the warning signs of suicide.
"Thank you for this presentation. It was very touching. While I hope I never have to use the information I learned yesterday, I am confident I know the steps to help if it were to happen in my life."
High School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"It was a great presentation and I learned so many new things."
High School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"It was nice and straight forward, it was also good to hear the risk factors and science behind suicide. I very much appreciate this presentation especially as someone who wanted and tried to attempt suicide in the past. I was able to get help and it's thanks to organizations like you."
High School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"Thank you for coming! It was a great presentation to raise awareness and I really connected with the speaker!"
Middle School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"Good assembly! It's great to learn about more signs of these widespread issues amongst everyone. By recognizing more of the signs, we can solve our issues and make the world a better place."
Middle School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"I had never been confident enough to talk about suicide openly. Thanks for helping!"
High School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"I'm grateful for them coming to our school and them taking the time out of their day to help students realize their own and surroundings lives matter."
High School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee
"It was really good to learn how to help people with suicide problems and I am confident enough to help other people."
Middle School Student
With Hope Presentation Attendee